Toastmasters 127

Call for Nominations for Leadership Positions 2025-26

Dear Members of District 127,

Warm Greetings !

District 127 is embarking upon the process of selecting the leaders for the year 2025-26 and as the District Leadership Committee (DLC) Chair for District 127, I take the privilege to invite nominations from active members of our District to serve as District Officers during the Toastmasters term 2025-2026 for the following positions:

  • District Director
  • Program Quality Director
  • Club Growth Director
  • Division Directors (A to H)

Required Qualifications:

Prior to nominating, kindly refer to the District Administrative Bylaws, Article VII (d): Officers for understanding and clarifying the qualifications required for the above positions.

Nomination Procedure

All prospective candidates are required to fill in the forms listed below along with the necessary information and submit by email to the DLC Chair at

Please note that the last date to receive completed nominations (with all attachments duly filled in and signed) is by midnight on Friday, 31 January 2025 (UAE Time).

It may be duly noted that in compliance with the Toastmasters International governance process, any incomplete submissions shall not be considered for further evaluation.

List of Forms and Details required for Nomination submission:


Toastmasters International stipulates that only candidates who have submitted their nominations and have been evaluated by the DLC are eligible to run as a nominated candidate or from the floor at the Annual District Council meeting.

Accordingly, failing to submit the nominations in full, by the given timeframe will render a member not eligible to run as a nominated candidate or from the floor.

It may also be noted that nominations for Area Director positions shall be invited separately. Please contact your incumbent area director for more details.

Every member is encouraged to step forward to serve the District and its members in the true spirit of service leadership of Toastmasters. Serving as a District Officer not only meets a milestone on the path to Distinguished Toastmaster status but more importantly, it provides a unique learning experience in your Toastmasters journey.

Kindly ensure this message is communicated to every member in every club, providing them with the opportunity to participate in the democratic process.

Furthermore, you may also nominate any dedicated member of our District who you believe have the potential to serve in these District Leadership roles.

Please refer to the link below for further details and information particularly to the video message from Toastmasters International President Radhi Spear in the “Call for District Candidates” tab.
Toastmasters International -Nominations and Elections

Shameema Ahmed, DTM
District Leadership Committee Chair
District 127, Region 8
Toastmasters International
Where Leaders Are Made

District Leader Nominating Form

District Leader Agreement & Release Statement Form

District Leader Biographical Information Form

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