Toastmasters 127

Member awards

Phenomenal Poster

Award for the most creative and TMI brand compliant club flyer

D127 - PR

Frequency: By-Weekly

Submission Dates

July 01, 2024 - April 30, 2025

Rocking Recap

Collaborate with club Secretary and create a meeting recap video with max 90 seconds.

D127 - PR

Frequency: Monthly

Submission Dates

(2nd of every month) from Aug 2024 to April 2025

Podcast Pioneer

Audio on a given topic with max 8 mins duration on given topics.

– Inspirational Stories
– Reason why I am a Toastmaster
– Life Changing lessons
– Effective Public Speaking Tips
– Leadership Lessons from Toastmasters
– Overcoming Challenges
– The Art of Evaluation

D127 - PR

Frequency: Quarterly

Submission Dates

05th of every quarter (Oct 2024, Jan 2025 and April 2025)

Silver Pen

Toastmasters-related article that 

has been written by the member and published in a print Publication (i.e. Newspaper/ Magazine/ Book)

D127 - PR

Frequency: Annually

Submission Dates


Designer Brilliance

Attend all Education session of District PR and submit your best 6 TMI brand compliant poster for the Annual Award and conduct at least 1 PR Initiatives – To be submitted by a club member (Only once)

D127 - PR

Frequency: Annually

Submission Dates

First Charter

New Member Pins

Up-to Two Pins for two newly added members for first 10 Clubs

D127 - CGD​

Frequency: Once

Submission Dates

Jul 1st – Jul 31st

Excom Pin Set

Excom Pins for the First Club that Charters in District

D127 - CGD​

Frequency: Once

Submission Dates

Before Sept 15th

VPM Braveheart

Enrolling Maximum Number of New/Dual/Reinstated Members

D127 - CGD

Frequency: Twice

Submission Dates

Before April 1st & Before Oct 1st

High 5

Sponsoring 5 New/Dual/Re-instated members

D127 - CGD

Frequency: Once

Submission Dates


Perfect 10

Sponsoring 10 New/Dual/Re-instated members

D127 - CGD

Frequency: Once

Submission Dates


Fabulous 15

Sponsoring 15 New/Dual/Re-instated members

D127 - CGD

Frequency: Once

Submission Dates


Catalyst Member

Bring a new Club Lead that converts to Demo Meeting

D127 - CGD

Frequency: Annual

Submission Dates

Before April 30th

Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)

As per TI Guidelines

D127 - PQD​

Frequency: Once

Submission Dates


Pathway Proficient Award

Successful Completion of any path

D127 - PQD​

Frequency: Open

Submission Dates


Triple Crown Award

Completed 3 levels in Pathways in 1 TI year. One Triple Crown pin per member per year

D127 - PQD​

Frequency: Open

Submission Dates


YLP Pioneer Award

Successful Conduct of YLP Program

D127 - PQD​

Frequency: Annual

Submission Dates


Speech Craft Pioneer Award

Successful Conduct of Speechcraft Program

D127 - PQD​

Frequency: Annual

Submission Dates


TMOD Optimus Award

Criteria: This award honors the Toastmaster who takes on the role of Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD) the most times per quarter.

Frequency: QUARTERLY

Submission Dates

GE Maximus Award

Criteria: This award acknowledges the Toastmaster who serves as General Evaluator (GE) for other clubs within the district most times in a quarter.

D127 - PQD​

Frequency: Quarterly

Submission Dates

Top 20 VPE Award

Criteria: This prestigious award is given to the Vice President of Education (VPE) who achieves the most milestones as a VPE over the course of a year.

1. Level Completion – 1 point
2. Path Completion – 5 points
3. DTM Award – 10 points

D127 - PQD​

Frequency: Annual

Submission Dates

Toastmaster of the Year


Frequency: ONCE

Submission Dates


Open chat
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